The Lady Navigators is an extension of
the Alamo Area Corvette Club for
women. Lady Navigators get together
to socialize, do their own cruises and
activities and get to know each
other better.
For more information about
the Lady Navigators
Traci Woeppel at traci_tate@yahoo.com

AACC is now on Stack App
Stack App is a calendar type app that can help us with posting
event information. It is used by Car Clubs.
You can download the app for Android or Apple Play.

Once you create an account you can search
for Alamo Area Corvette Club
or click on the link below:
National Corvette Museum
AACCis a proud supporter of the
National Corvette Museum.
Mark Kuhlmannis ourAmbassador to the Museum.
Please contact him If you have any questions about
museum membership andbenefits.